Blog – Websolutioncentre Blog The Never Ending Battle between Android and iOS

The Never Ending Battle between Android and iOS

The expert mobile developers of a renowned Web Designing Company in Delhi ask their users, are you planning to gift yourself a new phone soon and considering making a switch from Android to iOS or vice versa? But is it worth changing lanes with the traffic brisling or is it safe to stay in your lane and follow suit of another vehicle. If you are thinking why we are talking in riddles, then here is it. What makes you think that the other platform, a new mobile phone of which you are going to get is better than the one you are currently using? Probably you are building your decisions based on what others are saying, what other others are buying and what the media is serving you. But mind this; you are a better judge than all those who are feeding big chunks of advice down your throat.

Well, the war of the mobile platforms between Android and iOS has been hustling around from the time Android started making his presence felt in the market. But deciding which platform is better is an impossible task without going in detail, evaluating their minute details and laying down the horses. But as a renowned Mobile App Design and Ecommerce Website Design Company in Delhi, we can help users find their solid footing in deciding which platform is worth spending their precious money on.

Recently a leading research firm, Customer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) has conducted a survey which revealed that Android users have a higher loyalty than iOS users do. When talking about the brand loyalty the Android user’s brand loyalty has been remaining steadily high since the last two years at 91 percent loyalty rate as compared to 86 percent for iOS.

Though the reigns of brand loyalty are taken away by Google’s Android, this still doesn’t prove which platform is worth diverting your attention to. Time and again we have seen people brag about the awesomeness of iPhone mobile phones and how they are a leader when it comes to mobile operating systems, to just we simply beg to differ. Though iPhone is indeed the first choice of customers these days with the arsenal of services it boasts, you simply can’t let go of the fact that Android is the choice of a majority of the nation given the descent features its gives at such reasonable prices.

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We think it’s better to break down the features of both the platforms bit by bit and then decide which platform has the upper hand over the other.







Hardware Choice There is no denying of the fact that Android offers far more choice in terms of hardware as compared to iOS, rolling out multiple devices by different firms with loads of features for consumers to choose from.Android ecosystem has lots of devices to suit every taste, preference and budget.Premium class models: Samsung Galaxy S8Mid class models: Honor and OnePlus Apple is behind Android when it comes to shelling out a wide range of devices, but there is still a descent choice of options available for the iOS lovers ranging From SE to Plus variants.But it is simply impossible to beat the army of mobile devices Android rolls out in a year.
Software There is one thing I think every Android lover should understand that here is no way Android OS can match the clean and sophisticated experience offered by the iOS.Andoid’s OS is quite confusing at times with many features and settings hidden behind opaque menus.Android on the other hand is a far more feature loaded platform, rendering plethora of customization options, and settings to set the mobile as per your taste and preference. Apple’s OS is easy to use, quite sleek looking and clean and more intuitive than Android’s OS.Apple’S OS is made keeping in mind the everyday usage by the users, that it should be easily understandable and navigable.But the ease of navigation comes at the cost of functionality. Apple offers limited features, restricting them to the ones that are indeed regularly used by the customers.
Hardware and Software Integration Android have their hardware made by brands like Qualcomm and MediaTek and the software has to be made according to the specifications of a particular brands and their respective devices.Brands like Samsung, HTC, and LG, have their own flavor to add in their smartphones. Apple clearly has an upper hand in this department. Apple manufactures their hardware as well as software which help them create stellar software experience that run in a fluid harmony with the hardware.
Virtual Assistants Google has Google Now with features like set alarms, reminders, get directions, check cinema times and can send text messages and emails using dictation. Apple has Siri with the same features to offer.
Security Google’s Android is a risky venture to step in when it comes to security, since it is easily rooted, flashed and we have come across numerous instances of it being hacked. Apple’s iOS and iPhone is a walking and breathing security and encryption human being.The mobile device’s memory is tightly encrypted so that one cannot hack into the hardware to access your personal information.Your log-in Id, password, fingerprints and face recognition will be secured on the iPhone and not on a cloud server.
Updates Android needs to move in synchronization with the smartphone manufactures for the next update, since each one of them has their unique skin to be tweaked for the next update which delays updates up to 5-6 months on loop. Since Apple manufactures its own hardware and software, the updates roll out on a same date for everyone, whether it’s a bug fix, a minute security patch or a major update.

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