With just a great landing page you can allure your mobile app users into taking out their wallets or give you their emails. A graphically appealing and functionally stellar landing page is one of the most effective tools for app discovery outside the realm of app stores. As simple as it can be, a great landing is by far the treasure trove of user downloads you just simply can’t miss. Don’t build mobile landing pages as a checklist item, brainstorm ideas, add elements and take into consideration facts that can lead to users downloading your application.
Developing a landing page, optimizing it to the fullest and pulling as many conversions as possible are three aspects of the same scenario. There is no use of building a landing page that isn’t driving leads and attracting users to download your mobile app.
To help designers and developers ace the semantics of mobile app landing page, here are 3 best practices listed down by the pro app developers of the best Website Designing Company in Delhi, shelling out pragmatic mobile app development solutions.
Make the most of your app idea: Garnering feedback or rolling out incentives in return for an honest review is the great way to test if you are treading towards the right path. And, landing page can be used to the best of its capability to achieve this and lot more. Lure users with exciting offers and ask for their email addresses, the number of signups you’ll receive will point straight towards their level of interest. You can also shell out your app landing page to potential customers to have their useful insights on the same. This might help you have valuable feedback on what you are about to achieve through this app and offer areas of improvement.
Add Clear Call-to-Action: If you don’t pave way for conversions, you definitely won’t see them steering your way. Ask for what you are looking for. For great mobile app landing page, you need to ask and encourage users into taking specific steps to reach the end of the sales funnel and that can only be accomplished by plastering effective call-to-action or CTAs. Position them in places where users can easily spot them and act on them. You are completely unaware of the fact as to which feature will trigger your app visitor. So try to incorporate CTAs at every stage. Provide them with the app download button which redirects them to the app store for download or an easy sign up to have early access to the app.
Demo Video of your App: Demo videos have insanely garnered a lot of attention for the last few years. It is the best way to show off your product features and in this case your app. What’s the better way to promote your app than showing the app being used for real? The main objective of placing a demo video on your mobile app landing page is to highlight the benefits of your app, what it does, what it serves and how it can help the users. Going by the studies, a demo video on the mobile app’s landing page can fetch as much as 80% improved conversions.