Blog – Websolutioncentre Blog 5 Factors That Cause a Site to Speed Up or Slow Down

5 Factors That Cause a Site to Speed Up or Slow Down

In the world by blasting quick internet connections, most companies are tossing web page load time to the wayside, by concentrating more on the graphics and visual appeal of the site. What they forget here is that the loading time negatively impacts the user experience. There are several other factors that cause a site to speed up or slow down. Here are some of them:

  1. Image size does matter

The most fundamental thing to consider is the size of the background image of the site. Images up to 2 MB or 3 MB take almost 5 seconds to load on any high speed connection. It is advisable to upload pictures that are exactly the size of the bounding box, to reduce the loading time. For more tips in this domain, one may consult a renowned web development company in Delhi.

  1. Correct Compressed Coding

Including a lot of comments and white space is imperative for coding and development of the interface. However, when it comes to a live website, style sheets and JavaScript files need to be as small as possible.

  1. Non-Flash Based Design

hen flash animations and videos are removed, the web page loads significantly faster. One must think of creative ways to present the information, without actually converting flash animations to HTML 5 and JavaScript. For any assistance regarding the same, one may contact a reputed website development company in Delhi.

  1. Caching

Instead of rendering web pages using PHP or another language, it is advisable to display a static HTML page that can be retrieved from the cache. This would significantly increase the speed and reduce server lag.

  1. Minimizing HTTP requests

Each time the site requests information from the server, it requires an HTTP request. More the HTTP requests, the more time it will take to load. One approach to rapidly diminish HTTP requests is to make use of CSS Sprites, which would combine all the images into one large image.

Building an attractive interface with images, without compromising on the load time, is a difficult task, and requires professional knowledge & expertise. Web Solution Centre, one of the leading website designing company in Delhi assures the best solutions in all web related issues. Here are 3 Reasons Why it is Important to Have a Great Website.

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